Friday, May 11, 2012

2012 Y Dance Recital

This past weekend was my last Y Dance recital. The girls did great and I am going to miss them so much!
The theme was a newspaper this year so each performance represented a section of the newspaper.

Here is the beginner tap class at dress rehearsal. They danced to Bushel and a Peck and represented the farm report...

Here is the intermediate class. They danced to Freeze Frame and represented photography. 

 And lastly, the advanced class who danced to Route 66. They represented the travel section.

I am going to miss teaching and the girls! They were so wonderful and hard working and I wish them luck in the future!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Sneak Preview

Well, as most, if not all, of you know we are expecting a little one in August! I have to say that this was the hardest secret I have ever had to keep seeing as we knew right after Thanksgiving and went through Christmas without telling anyone! I have to say it nearly killed me. 
Yesterday we went for our first ultrasound which was amazing! Here is a sneak peak at our little BOY!

The 4D imaging was incredible and we got to take home a bunch of photos and a DVD of the entire ultrasound! Thankfully she labelled a lot of stuff on the DVD as it is quite an art to make anything out of it! Also, everything looks good and baby and mom and healthy and doing well!
I have to say that I have been very lucky as I have not had any of the horrible symptoms that plague a lot of women and really don't feel any differently. Hopefully, it will stay that way!
Will keep you all posted on any new developments!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First week as a Professor!

Monday was Dr. J's first day of teaching! I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished! I know he will be awesome! I couldn't resist taking a picture of his first day of school!

On Sunday I made him a cake to wish him good luck on his first day. It was decorated with a fondant chalkboard with his classes written in 'chalk' (aka buttercream frosting)! My decorating skills need to be improved upon and it could have come out better but practice makes perfect!

One week of classes down, only 15 more to go!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


After we went to Yellowstone we had a few days back home before we were off again, this time south of the border! It was time for some rest and relaxation! It seems that every time we go on vacation we are constantly on the go doing stuff since we never know when we will be back at that particular place and we want to see as much as possible. This time, however, we decided we were going to go all inclusive and pretty much lay on the beach and eat every day. And that is exactly what we did. We only left the resort once to go fishing and that was definitely an adventure! There are more details on that below.

I'll first start out with food. There was one restaurant on at the resort that was absolutely fabulous! With me loving food the way I do I had to take a few photos of the deliciousness!
Mmmm steak... (what I am not showing is that the steak was pretty much raw on the inside but J ate it anyways! Brave man!)

Stuffed crab shell...

Yummy tuna filet..

We also saw some monkeys. Not sure what kind they were but there were two of them that just hung out in the trees by the rooms.

These coati were always milling around the snack bar! They had babies with them and were adorable. I think J took about a thousand pictures of these little guys! Who could resist them?!

Everywhere we go we can't seem to get away from the raccoon! They must have come out to see the expert Dr. B!
Here is one wanting to shake his hand...

Clearly this one is star struck :)

The only time we left the resort was to go fishing. Now, normally I absolutley love to fish but this trip was by far the worst one I have ever been on! Once we by passed the cove and got into open water it was like being in the Bering Sea on Greatest Catch! I have never experienced swells like these it was CR-A-ZY!
We did manage to catch two fish within the first half hour and then for the next 4-5 hours nothing but crazy waves and open water.
The first catch of the morning was a bonito...
The next (and last) fish was a mackerel of some sort. You would never know by looking at the picture that I was chumming the waters for the next 4 hours but you don't need to hear about that!
We also saw some sea turtles braving the waves but that was about it. I was so happy when we got back onto dry land!
Our Mexico trip was just what we needed. We did nothing but sit on the beach, read, and eat and it was glorious!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Travelling Fools!

This summer has definitely been crazy travelling year! We went to Yellowstone/Grand Tetons in June and then not even 2 weeks later we were on our way to Mexico for a week of rest and relaxation. Since we took so many pictures I will dedicate each place to its own post. First up...Yellowstone!

I seriously don't even know how to start describing Yellowstone. It was the most amazing place I have ever been! It was lamost like stepping back in time with all of the buffalo roaming!

When we entered the park within 10 minutes we were in a buffalo traffic jam and we saw a grizzly with her cub! Mid-June was definitely a great time to go because most of the animals had their babies with them! J took soooo many pictures that it was hard to decide what to include so here are some hightlights of what we saw...

Buffalo. Lots and lots of buffalo!

Some buffalo protecting their herd from a grizzly bear...

Baby Buffalo!


Baby elk!



I forgot what this little guy was called but he was just hanging out on a rock by Fairy Falls.


Grizzly with cub

Fairy Falls

At the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. This place was absolutely amazing!

Almost doesn't look real!

We tried some fly fishing as well while we were out there but nothing was biting and the water was still moving too fast.

Thermal activity...

Crazy how the bacteria from the hot springs can form stuff like this!

And of course you can't go to Yellowstone without seeing the infamous Old Faithful!

On our way back to Fort Collins we drove through the Grand Tetons! Another absolutely breath taking place! We weren't able to stop long but just another reason to go back!

There was way too much to see in a few days and we are hoping to go back!