Sunday, October 24, 2010

Half marathon update

After 3 months of training today was the day I ran my first (and probably last) half marathon. We had to leave at 6:45am in ordet to make it there in time. J and Ginger came to cheer me on. Unfortunately we forgot the camera and have no pictures to post but I finished and I survived. My goal was to finish under two hours and my time was 1hr 57min! I finished 120 overall and fifth in my age class! Not too shabby for my first time! Now I need rest my poor knees and hips as they are not too happy with me right now!
Thanks to everyone (especially J) for all the support and encouragement!!


Anne said...

So proud of you!!! Perhaps it is best that you forgot the camera because you wouldn't necessarily have wanted to post a picture showing how tired you were crossing the finish line.

The Riggs said...

Way to go! You are my hero!!